Monday, February 13, 2017

Support this project on Patreon!

I am a full time college student who is studying information technology and I'm focusing my degree on programming. I've always had a passion for gaming, so one day, I decided to take that passion a step further and challenged myself by making my own game. Things are a little rough right now, working part time and going to school full time while trying to keep my dreams alive, so any support you'd be able to lend would be greatly appreciated.

My campaign runs on a "donate as I work" schema, where if I don't complete enough work that I'd be happy enough with to share, I won't release a content update and won't collect any donations. I always want to show supporters that their donation is valuable to me and I am not willing to take anything if I don't have something to show for it.

If you'd like to support my work, click here to visit my Patreon page; it'd be greatly appreciated. If you can't assist financially, a pat on the back will do! Any kind of support, even if it's just emotional, is appreciated beyond comprehension.

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